Are you looking for the best program for publish post in facebook page with link in comment. We have a good recommendation. Today we will show you one. It’s about the Publish Social Champ program. The program has been active for a long time among portal users, who share their articles on Facebook. Given...
Kako se povezati na mySQL bazu sa drugog server hostinga ?
Imate Web stranicu na jednom hostingu, a sada zelite da ostvarite pristup sa svoje stranice na drugi hosting gdje je vasa mySQL baza ? Imamo rijesenje. Objasnit cemo vam kako se povezati na mySQL bazu sa drugog hostinga. Ukoliko imate problema sa povezivanjem na drugi hosting gdje se nalazi vasa mySQL baza ( u...
Kako obrisati virus reklamu sa WordPress-a
Pozdrav svima, danas cemo pisati kako obrisati virus reklamu sa vaseg wordpressa. Predlozit cemo par jednostavnih koraka kako da otkrijete virus i gdje se nalazi i uspjesno ga obrisete. Sigurno ste se susretali na raznim web stranicama sa virusima, koji su u obliku iskocnih reklama. Nekih od njih mogu jako nastetiti vasem uredjaju i...
SEO optimizacija: Kako kreirati kvalitetan clanak
Pozdrav svima, danas cemo pricati o SEO optimizaciji, sta je SEO optimizacija, kako funkcionise, koji je najbolji plugin za SEO itd. SEO Optimizacija uvod: Sigurno ste se zapitali kako vas clanak ne postoji na google trazilici, ili ima ali je na prezadnjem mjestu ili cak nikako nije rangiran na google. Objasnit cemo ukratko u...
Kako dodati navigacioni meni – WordPress
Dobrodosli u svijet wordpressa. Ponovo smo sa vama sa novim tutorialom. Danas cemo vam pokazati kako dodati navigacioni meni na WordPressu. Unaprijed cemo reci da je to sasvim jednostavno ukoliko budete pratili nase korake. Potrudit cemo se da detaljno objasnimo sta je “Meni”, koje su njegove prednosti i kako ga napraviti. Ukoliko ste pocetnik...
How to fix the “email could not be sent” easy
To fix the “email could not be sent” issue, you need to take the following steps: Use an SMTP plugin to configure your site to send emails using a dedicated service instead of PHP mail() Update hosting firewall rules or install “Sendmail”Note: You don’t need to carry out both the steps. Implement one solution...
3 Best free WordPress Comment Plugins
In this post, we’ll take a look at the problem with the default WordPress comments system. Then, we’ll discuss 3 top WordPress comment plugins to improve your website. Let’s jump right in! The problem with the default WordPress comments WordPress comments make your website more interactive and enable readers to give feedback on your...
How to fix 499 HTTP Error Code easy
The 499 HTTP Error code is not a particularly common error but it can prevent you from accessing your website. The good news is that the error typically has more to do with the user rather than the server, which makes it easier to troubleshoot. What is the 499 HTTP error code? (and what...
5 Best Free Web Hosting in 2024
Free Web Hosting ? Free Sounds good. We have an offer of the 5 Best Free Web Hosting in 2024. See Let me showing: Free hosting can work for temporary projects or hobbies. But for serious, long-term websites, affordable or premium web hosting services are usually better. These paid services tend to offer more...
How to Add WooCommerce Custom Field to a Product page easy
When you need to add required input field to the product page of your WooCommerce shop and this field needs to be stored in order as an attribute and sent to the customer in confirmation email, you’ll need to add custom code to your theme’s functions.php file. Here is the step by step tutorial...