Web Tutorials
How to create a QR code easy

How to create a QR code easy

If there was anyone who had a glow up in 2024 it was the QR code. Today were going to talk about qr codes how to create a QR code  them ways to use them and how google chrome just made it easier than evere to create a QR code. Now this technology isnt new qr codes which stands for quich response were creted in 1994 by japanese corparation called dense wave which is the subsidiary of the automobile company Toyota motor .

They were used to track autombile parts during  the assembly process however qr codes weret relesed into the mainstream public until 2010. I really thing the pandemic helped lunch them into limelight because you see them everywhere now and now that everyones jumping  on the banwagon you might  be wondering how to make them yourself. Ill start by showing you google chomres lastes feature which allows you make QR codes based on whatever url. yu land on all right so if you have the lastes version of chrome. You should  see this little share icon in search bar here . So if I click on this depending on whatever url.

How to create a QR code

I am on I can easily just go to this option right here, that says QR code. I can click this and and  then it. I can automatically generate a QR code.

How to create a QR code

That I can download it ll download as a png. Now youre probably loking at this and youare like why is there a dinosaur. In middle it is using dino qr codes. So if thats not your jam to you might want how to create a QR code at a difeferent qr code to utilize , but this is a very very easy way. To generate codes this site that I usually use to make qr codes. Is called qr code monkey. 

How to create a QR code

and the reason that I love this is because I have the abillty to customize the colors. I could add a logo image if I wanted to and I can also download it as an eps file which is kind of cool because if youre using things like illustrator. You can use that vector file and you can easily resize it withut worrying about pixelation or anything like that and you can also furthere change colors once .

You get it into lillustrator so i Like this option and it has a lot other says what you can utilize codes so may peaple dont realize that, you dont have to just use a qr code for website.

How to create a QR code WI-FI ?

You could do it for a phone number , could do it for email you colud even do i for wi-fi passwords whtich I actually thing this option is really cool. Lets say that you have airbnb and you want to leave you guests the options. Will easuily log onto the wifi . You colud set up QR code and allow them to do that pretty easilly. You cold also use this for coffe shops or you know any kind of bussinies, or even in your home.

If you want you guests to easilu be able to log on to you wifi if just a super simple way to how to create a QR code. So you dont have to just stick to the relm of qr codes or for websites. There so many other options that you can use them for if youare wanting even more options of how to create a QR code. You can always check out the site too.


How to create a QR code

This also has the wifi option with a ton of other options. Just like the qr code monkey so you could do it for images mp3s you know emails text ,twiter . You want can just make that selection there and then you could if you wanted to do. If for wifi you could just put newtwordk name in there put you password and then hit generate QR code.

how to make a qr code

Thats all, thank you for reading tutorila how to create a QR code . See at more tutorials:

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